Demonic Entities, Reptilian Energies, and Vibrational Susceptibility


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By Brigette Cormier

Published July 14, 2020 –

“Evil” people devolve into reptilian form.  Carbon -> Black Slime
“Light” people evolve into crystalline form. Carbon -> Crystal

Demonic possession presents as a reptilian nature, and Christed higher-self embodiment manifests crystalline nature. Over-charged lower chakra and a disconnected heart chakra, makes a person a pawn to the dark. Functioning as a pawn to the dark, there is potential for a person to devolve themselves. Continued devolving choices affect and lower a person’s vibration until they become unable to function in the higher vibrational planes and serve as an energy source for the lower vibrational demonic planes of existence. As I discuss in many of my past writings, low vibrational choices not only lower your vibration, but also cause you to be fed on by lower vibrational entities (demonic entities) and you become for fuel the lower vibrational planes.

“Human Hybrids” “Reptilian Hybrids”– Reptilian is the term to describe the physical manifestation that results from demonic possession. How can one become a hybrid? By using their free will to become a permanent fuel/energy source for the lower vibrational planes. The high vibrating higher self and a person’s soul are not able to stay fully embodied in the physical body in those lower vibrational planes and so they exit the body, and that negative space they (the soul/higher self) leave behind is filled with the collective hive-mind of the lower vibrational planes. When a person makes conscious choices in lower vibrations, they root themselves into that vibration.

The Nightmare (1781) oil painting by artist Henry Fuseli.

Because all dimensions are parallel, the realm of demonic entities, the lower vibrational planes, are parallel to your now-moment. And so demonic entities float around your energy field and plants seeds of influence. These seeds of influence serve as low vibrational potentials for a person to choose, so that they can begin to be fed on by the demonic entities, if they choose to allow the seeds to influence them. It’s a choice each human has to make, to be influenced by external lower vibrations or to be high vibrational and source unique creative thought from within. Choosing higher vibrational choices continues to raise your vibration and create more separation between you and the lower vibrational plane. The higher your vibration goes, you begin to become untouchable to the dark because their seeds and external potential influences become clear to you. How do they become clear? As you raise your vibration, you embody more of your higher self and your mind’s eye is able to sense nuanced vibrations with great mastery. This self-mastery and ability to “read” energies does not mean a person still can’t choose to make low vibrating choices, because we still have free will. It’s constant act of choice, being sovereign over your energy field and your soul.

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The entities only exist in the lower vibrations so if you stay high, the attachments they try to build in their plane cannot touch you. Your high vibration causes you to exist on a higher dimensional plane where demonic entities cannot interact with you. All planes exist as parallel dimensions and so those demonic entities, in their lower dimensional plane, are separate from you unless you choose to vibe-shift downward to them.

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